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Tamara McGuffie, Australia's Weight loss Queen helping Aussies loose weight, keep it off and FINALLY be happy with their body.

Clinically trained hypnotherapist Tamara, has personally lost 20 kilos and kept it off for 3 years. Through her personal experience with the virtual gastric band and her training from world-renowned hypnotherapist Sheila Granger, Tamara has curated a thorough yet simple weight loss solution that will help you lose the weight you have been trying to lose for years and best of all keep it off.

Tamara will expertly guide you through your virtual gastric band surgery, reprogram your neural pathways and create life long habits to keep the weight off for good! No tricks, no diet, no drugs, no crazy exercise, simply cutting down on portion size and enjoying some light healthy exercise.

It's ok to want to be skinny

Skinny feels different to everyone, what's your skinny?

It's ok to want to be skinny

Skinny feels different to everyone, what's your skinny?

How does it work?

Do I need the will of the gods.....? NOPE

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Does this sound familiar, you have invested thousands of dollars and years of your life into losing weight.

Jenny Craig......tried it

Weigh Watchers........tried it

Light n Easy.........tried it

Work out Apps.........tried it

Personal Trainer.........tried it

Gym Membership........tried it

Now, the above would have worked for a few weeks or months and then the old habits start creeping back in. Winter hits and its too cold to go to the gym, you feel like a nice bowl of pasta instead of a salad. The old eating habits creep back in and you stop exercising and the weight you have lost manages to come back and often heavier than you were before you started the diet.

Let's talk about food noise, that constant narrative that runs through your head all day every day. What does yours say? "Why did I eat that, fat bitch, your so stupid, go on have another chocolate, no wonder your so fat".......THAT was Tamara's inner narrative until she used hypnotherapy and deleted the negative food narrative and replaced it with a sensible, positive and kind narrative.

Constantly thinking about your next meal or snack while your currently eating.

What about a negative narrative, your already fat, you can't lose weight, its too late, you have already eaten so badly today so keep going and tomorrow you will eat better.

It's too hard to lose weight.

It's wrong to want to be skinny.

I'll never be skinny.

It's ok, I am over 40 I don't need to be skinny.

It's too late, I am too old.

You deny yourself the foods you love and crave, all day you say no but then at night when the lights are out its starts calling out to you and all of a sudden you have eaten a whole block of chocolate or packet of biscuits. Then the shame and self hate sneaks in and you spiral and end up eating more.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does Tamara's weight loss solution can and will help.

You do not need the will of the gods for this virtual gastric band to work. All you need is the want to lose weight and the want to change, that's it.

Tamara and your subconscious mind will do the rest.

So what is different with Tamara's weight loss solution?

With Tamara's help you WILL lose between 2 and 5 kg within the first week, you will simply sit down to 3 small meals a day, and you no longer snack between meals. All you need is just 3 small meals a day and watch those kilo's melt away.

What is your commitment?

You need to commit to 1 hour per week for 4 weeks, Tamara will expertly guide you into hypnosis and talk directly to your subconscious mind, creating new healthy, positive and lasting habits.

Along with the weekly sessions you will receive two personalised audio recordings, the first needs to be listened to each day for 28 days, the second is an optional booster that you can choose to listen too but it will boost your results and can be listened to for life.

Ok, real talk tho.....

I think its really important to be honest with you, I am not here to say you will walk away with a toned body, for that you need to do some form of heavy consistent exercise like pilates or yoga. My body is not a pilates body, my body is a normal mum, almost 40 year old woman who is stoked to be 55kg and wearing short shorts with singlet tops tucked in and no muffin top. That is the absolute truth. My weight loss solution is simple, easy and the kilos will fall off you, just by smaller meals and some light exercise like a walk around the block. Once you see the kilos dropping maybe you will be inspired to do more exercise, personally I love the thought of a toned pilates body but the reality is I have school aged kids and I just haven't gotten there yet. But in the meantime I have loved my body for 3 years, wear a bikini, short shorts, I am down to a size 10 or a small and I am just so confident with my body!

So what is the solution?

Tamara's life altering hypnosis

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You and Tamara will have a 20 minute video chat to discuss your weight loss goals and history.

Tamara will then create your personalised hypnosis journey based on your 20 minute video chat.

Tamara asks that you allow 1 hour for your first session and please allow time before and after so your not rushing in and rushing out of the session. The first hypnosis session includes the virtual gastric band surgery and new positive messaging, this starts creating new neural messaging in your brain and your brain starts thinking you have had the gastric band surgery. Remember your brain cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and an experience under hypnosis.

You go home and listen to your personalised audio recordings.

Session 2 includes personalised aversion therapy towards foods you consider problems foods that you no longer want to eat.

Session 3 and 4 are all about reinforcing the messaging from week 1 and 2.

The personalised audio is to be listened to for 28 consecutive days, Tamara recommends listening to the subliminal audio at least once a day and remember you can listen and fall asleep to either recording.

What is the subliminal audio?

It is a handcrafted audio track, all you hear is the relaxing music. Your subconscious hears positive messages about you, your weight, your body, your mind and how amazing life is.

You might say come on that won't work and to that I say.......Fast food restaurants have been using subliminal messages on us since they first opened their doors and we have no idea they are doing it. Did you know the colour red invokes feelings of hunger and stimulates your appetite. Go ahead and look at the major fast food brands, they all use red in their marketing.

So why can't you and I hack your mind and replace the old messaging we have been forced fed for years with new healthy positive messages.

What is the Virtual Gastric Band?

Its not a diet!

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The Virtual Gastric Band is NOT a diet and does NOT involve deprivation.

This hypnotherapy weight loss solution focuses on the resetting of your eating habits; it highlights any unhelpful food associations and helps you to make small, realistic changes that you can live with easily.

Tamara uses hypnosis and other psychology-based skills to retrain your subconscious to think about food more pragmatically - and results in steady, sustainable weight loss - without dieting, and its completely natural.

The Virtual Gastric Band alters your responses to food and encourages you to be satisfied on smaller portions.

The new habits you will develop mean you can be free from thinking about food all of the time and will enable you to enjoy the food you do eat so much more!

How it works…

The hypnotherapy is delivered through four sessions, to help change your mind-set on food and reinforce long-term behaviour change, including smaller portions and regular exercise.

The sessions are highly personalised and are tailored to you as an individual - because we are all different and unique.

The hypnosis will address issues that have perhaps derailed your weight management in the past, including snacking, and comfort eating.

All sessions are carried out virtually in the comfort of your own home, it is recommended that you allow time before and after each session so you're not rushing in and rushing out of the session.

Hypnosis for weight loss is incredibly safe, effective and popular, and provides a fantastic life-long solution for those who struggle with food habits.

Get in touch now - and discover how Tamara can help you achieve your weight loss goals!


The Virtual Gastric Band

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Featured on the TODAY show

Who is Tamara

What's my story?

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So who am I? I am a Sydney business owner, I am a mum to Billy (11) and Louis (9) and married to the amazing Patrick (or not so amazing depending on the day). I was desperately over weight, I turned 26 and all of a sudden KFC just hit differently I couldn't shift the weight anymore. So in the words of Kath Day Night I ballooned out on all sides. Yes I was a mum and had pregnancy weight but honestly I was overweight before then. Listen being a millennial girl I tried it all with short term success, in my early 20's it was Jenny Craig, then Weight Watchers, then it was give up too hard, I have a man now so who cares. After babies it was Lite n Easy and then it was oh well I am too old and fat now, its so hard and I just accepted to be fat, ugly, unhappy and tell myself I am a mum we all look like this so I am ok. Deep down I was not ok with it , I HATED how I looked, fat puffy face with double chins. Gee I hated on myself and I did not speak very nicely about myself at all. Not a very nice relationship to be in.

So what changed? COVID happened. I was working for a doctor and was considering lypo suction or a tummy tuck.....totally delusional I did not have the money for surgery. That is when I found the Virtual Gastric Band program, I completed my first session and that week I lost 3kg. AMAZING!!! Each week I had my sessions and the weight kept coming off, my face was no longer fat and the double chins were disappearing. 6 months later I had lost 10kg and now 3 years on and I am down 20kg and honestly it just keeps coming off. I honestly LOVE how I look.

I love going and trying on clothes, picking up a size 12 and its too big so I get the 10 or 8. Do you know how amazing that feels!!!

So what changed for me?

  1. Food portions are smaller
  2. I only eat 3 small meals a day
  3. I stopped having a double chocolate muffin for morning tea
  4. I drank water all day
  5. I stopped eating the kids left overs
  6. I started talking to myself with love and respect
  7. I enjoyed walking the dog around the block
  8. I started eating vegetables and salad
  9. My inner voice kept saying "you are not the garbage bin" and "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
  10. The hypnotherapy had totally tricked my brain into thinking my stomach was the size of a golf ball, so I only needed smaller amounts of food.
  11. When I would walk past a girl rocking an outfit I would think yeah girl instead of stupid skinny bitch. I was happy for her because I was happy for myself.
  12. I took responsibility for my weight and took control

How do I keep the weight off? I don't worry about it, it just stays off because I don't eat huge amounts of food anymore. Now that I am 3 years down the road, if I have a chocolate muffin its ok, I can't eat it all anyway and it just means I am not eating lunch later because I already ate.

What do I eat now?

What Whatever I want!!

Do I still eat junk food and takeaway?

Pizza - yes

Chocolate - yes

Indian - yes

Thai - yes

Yoghurt Berry - yes

McFlurry - yes, on a hot day after school pick up, absolutely

KFC and Maccas - No they just make me feel sick, but I could

How can I eat the above and stay skinny?

Its all because my stomach is the size of a golf ball and I can only fit in a smaller amount of the above foods.

What did I give up?

Coke a cola, I was a 3 can a day girl since I was 5. It was my bad habit and I had never kicked it. When I did my hypnotherapy I decided I would give it up and used aversion therapy to do it. Aversion therapy is included in my weight loss solution.

Do I have any secrets that helped me?

Yes I do and I share them with my clients, sign up to my email list for freebies, weight loss tips and tips on keeping the weight off!

A message from Tamara

The Queen of Weight Loss

A message from Tamara

The Queen of Weight Loss

Open For Bookings

0488 196 556 Tamara.mcguffie@gmail.com

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Tamara McGuffie

The Queen of Weight Loss Solution

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Tamara McGuffie signature weight loss program
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Client Enquiry

Tamara McGuffie

The Queen of Weight Loss Solution

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Tamara McGuffie signature weight loss program
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Client Enquiry


What is the Gastric Band?

Simply put it is a small band placed at the top of your stomach to create a small golf ball size pouch and that small pouch is now your stomach. You feel full quickly because your stomach is now much smaller. Of course you are not having the physical surgery with a surgeon, you are having the Gastric Band place using the power of your mind.

How long till I see results?

Most people lose between 2 and 5 kilos in the first week, you will be consciously eating 3 small meals a day, you no longer can eat those big portions and snacks, you stomach cannot fit that much food anymore.

I personally lost 3kg in my first week, my husband lost 5kg within his first week, he has actually lost 10kg within 8 weeks (yes he was shocked). We save money on a groceries now because we are both eating smaller amounts of food.

I will say this, its not all about the scales, you can feel better in your clothes and get on the scales and have lost just .5kg but you feel better in yourself, so don't get trapped by the scales. I let myself get on the scales once a week at the same time before I had breakfast. Our weight fluctuates so much during the day depending on how much we eat and drink, so keep it to the same time of day each week.

How long do the results last?


That is the amazing thing about my program, the changes you make are deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. Like every new skill you learn in life you have to practice to be good at it, this is the same. To start off with you are making conscious decisions about what to eat and listening to your stomach when it says its full BUT later on it becomes the new normal and you do longer have to think about what your going to eat and how much you should it because its just normal for you to do so.

I have kept 20kg off for 3 years now and I do not ever worry about getting fat ever again, because I know I will always eat smaller amounts of food because that's all my body needs, its a knowing and a trust I have in myself.

Just the other night, I thought "I'll have a cup of tea and a few tim tams", then the message comes through, "no you don't want that just have the cup of tea". It's like you have a coach in your head for life reminding you to make better choices.

What is your commitment?

You are committing to the 4 hypnosis sessions, committing to following the 8 golden rules, listening to the personalised audio recording at least once a day, you can fall asleep to it. This is a commitment to yourself, you need to be ready to make this amazing transformation for yourself.

There are no meal plans, exercise commitments, supplements to take, you will spend the same amount of time preparing dinner that you currently do.

How is this program different to other weight loss programs?

My signature program works with your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind is your operating system, it drives your whole body and makes up who you are. You are currently over eating because your subconscious brain is overriding the rational part of your mind that says stop eating, I am full, I am fat, stop eating....Your rational mind does not control your body your subconscious mind does. That's why you can start going to the gym and really enjoy it for a short amount of time until it becomes too hard and you give up, your subconscious mind said nope this is too hard, we have never been any good at losing weight or going to the gym, lets stop. You are stuck in a cycle of wanting to lose weight, trying to lose weight, losing weight, being excited by losing weight and then maybe you get the results you want so you stop going everyday and you starting eating an extra slice of pizza and then all of a sudden the weight it back. This happens because you have not change your neural pathways into thinking I can lose weight, I am skinny, I am full, I don't need a snack, I love my body. YOU have to work at the root of who you are!

What support do I offer my clients?

A life time of support, I will always be available via text message to support you. You can send me a message any time of the day or night and I will get back to you, the number you text is my direct number and I am there for you!!

Maybe you have a family dinner and your mother in law cooks all the food and your expected to eat and eat, send me a message and I'll support you through it. We can come up with a strategy and stay strong together.

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

All sales are final, you are I are making a commitment to work with each other, I am going to give you my very best and support you throughout the sessions and beyond and I expect that you are ready and willing to take on this transformation.

It is important that when you decide to totally transform yourself you don't do so thinking there is an out if it all gets to hard. Change is hard for the mind and body and it does take a commitment to yourself to be successful.

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